Leaders Who Love: A Love-Centric Leadership (LCL) Model
”Those who lead through love don’t just change the culture they’re in; they change the world.” Perry Noble, The Most Excellent Way to...

Top Ten Topics & Trends in Leadership for 2020
Companies are increasingly focused on creating positive employee experiences as part of a strategy to improve the workplace culture and reta

Culture is the Vulture - Social Irresponsibility
“Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather.” Matthew 24:28 ESV Peter Drucker said “culture eats strategy for breakfast" and...

B2B: Inclusion Matters Over All
On November 13, 2019, Assets Toledo held their Business 2 Business (B2B) Expo at the University of Toledo. Olivia Holden, Executive...

Ethics Matter: A Leadership Imperative
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21 ESV When it comes to the demands of leadership the challenges...

What Does Success Look Like?
"Success requires no apologies , failure permits no alibis" - Napoleon Hill. This is such a profound quote. The question that comes to...

Broken Compass
Excellent leadership begins with high moral standards and ethics. Ethical behavior is a global imperative.

Transformational Experience
March truly was a pivotal, transformational month for both my business, Live 4 Change, LLC and ministry, ExousiaPower Ministries. From...

Check Yourself! Don't Wreck Yourself!
Human resources leaders are firing employees for poor behavior even though it's done on their personal time, on their social media...

IT’S World Environment Day!
The Focus: Plastic Pollution Plastics, plastics, everywhere! Think 🤔 about how much plastic we consume! It’s in everything! Our makeup,...